Firmenprofil Xtreme Verbier im Branchenportal
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Nissan Xtreme Verbier
Since its start in 1996 the "Xtreme" has been considered the most prestigious
event in the freeride world. For the "grande finale" of the Freeride World Tour
the elite of freeride will tackle the mythical Bec des Rosses, a 500m north
face, in places some 55 degrees sheer slopes. With steep and narrow couloirs,
high rock cliffs, changing snow and terrain, it asks the riders to be highly
skilled in top physical condition, thorough mountain experience. Only the top
ranked riders in the Freeride World Ranking will qualify for the Nissan Xtreme -
Verbier 2009.
Sehen Sie hier das Unternehmens-Firmenprofil von Xtreme Verbier in Verbier (Wallis). Dieses Firmenporträt hat die ID HLP-32-236033.
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Aktueller Jackpot: CHF 1'413'891